Mrs. G (North Dallas Boudoir Photography Session)

Every now and then, I’m asked to step out of my comfort zone and try new styles of photography.  Mrs. G is a super creative mind and, looking at various photography styles, asked if I would try to do a bit of a darker photo with a single light source for a segment of her session.  While this made me a little nervous (as everything looked way underexposed), she reassured me that this was what she was wanting when I showed her the back of the camera.  So… I went with it and am SUPER glad I did.  I think this last part of her session turned out AWESOME and will probably try to do more of this in future boudoir sessions.   Thank you, Mrs. G, for asking me to take a risk AND for letting me share your boudoir photos!Boudoir Shot of feet to knees with Liquor bottle

Boudoir photo of legs on dresser in Dallas, TX

Dallas, TX Boudoir photo of black bra and necklace

Dallas, TX lady seated for Boudoir Session

Boudoirs Sessions in Dallas, TX

– Mylah Renae

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