Giddy about School Supplies (props for boudoir photography)

As a little girl, my favorite part of the school year (besides summer) was picking out my school supplies!  My mother probably got tired of taking me each year, since I wanted to look at EVERYTHING, but at least I was excited about the start of the school year!  I still enjoy shopping for school supplies (yes, you can call them office supplies, if you wish) and got absolutely giddy when I went to Office Depot to buy some needed photography supplies.  Luckily, my husband was there to keep me focused at the task at hand and I didn’t buy anything but the foam board.  This is a great reflector and we painted the back side black (yes, the favor was returned when Dylan was released in Home Depot for the black paint).  Black backgrounds help with boudoir photography, as it blends the shadows of the person into the photograph.  If you cannot tell where the body ends and the background begins, it slims the subject of the photograph.  Nifty, huh?  Here is an example:

– Mylah Renae

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